Positive cases of COVID-19 continue to increase across the state and southwest Oklahoma. The total number of cases in the state stands at 1,252 and 46 deaths. Read more about the state’s Covid-19 cases here. … MORE

Positive cases of COVID-19 continue to increase across the state and southwest Oklahoma. The total number of cases in the state stands at 1,252 and 46 deaths. Read more about the state’s Covid-19 cases here. … MORE
The Wichita Falls Non-Profit Leaders COVID-19 Task Force has made some resource recommendations for parents with children during the coronavirus outbreak. One of the Task Force’s concerns is the possible increase in child abuse during this stressful crisis. Resources to help parents during this time of social distancing can be found here.… MORE
The Wichita Falls Area Food Bank will be distributing grab and go Kid’s Cafe meals at two locations in Wichita Falls starting next Tuesday. The meals will only be given out to children aged 1-18 years old and they can be picked up by walking or driving up to pick up sites. There is a…… MORE
Shelter in place orders meant to curb the spread of the Coronavirus continues to become more common. What’s come with is police seeing a rise in domestic violence calls. “Home is not always safe for everybody,” Michelle Turnbow, executive director of First Step said. There are resources available for those who are victims of domestic…… MORE
Wichita Falls-Wichita County Public Health District officials have confirmed 2 new cases of COVID-19 in Wichita County. More info about the new cases can be found here.… MORE
In an effort to keep employees safe but also to continue to make sure the children of City View ISD receive food for the week, City View ISD has made a change to their food service plan. Read more about City View’s new food distribution plan here.… MORE
Federal programs meant to alleviate some of the financial stress small businesses are experiencing will soon be rolling out. To make sure people are informed about them the Small Business Develop Center and Think of IT held a webinar to talk business owners through what options they have. It covered different programs like economic injury…… MORE
Wichita County Judge Woody Gossom issued the fourth amended shelter-in-place order on Friday for Wichita County. The amended order states businesses can only have up to 50 percent of their building’s total capacity full at one time. This includes workers. More details about the amended order can be found here.… MORE
Wichita Falls-Wichita County Public Health District officials have confirmed one new case of COVID-19 in Wichita County on Thursday. Read more about the new case here. … MORE
The latest COVID numbers have been released and a new death has been reported in Southwest Oklahoma. Stephens County added two cases, plus one death, to their numbers reported on Thursday morning. More Oklahoma statistics can be found here.… MORE